Back in business

We are back in business… well, almost.

Last Sunday, around 25 players showed up at the Marin pétanque field. An average number for a “normal” late summer day. But we are not living normal days…
For most of the year, we have been directed to cover our faces and stay put. And most of the people have been complying with this. But how long can you live in isolation before going off the deep end?

So yes, people are eager to get out of the house and mingle with their fellow human beings. And last Sunday they did just this. It seems that after many depressing months the sport of pétanque is back in business! And nothing tastes as sweet as a mouthful of an almost forgotten fruit.

There is an old saying that goes “The misfortune of some brings contentment to others.”
Regular players might have noticed that lately, many club outsiders are now coming to our courts. This is because the Lamorinda club (due to a city dispute) has lost access to its field.

Players needing an outlet to their repressed energy are now coming to our beautiful, shaded field. And this is great!
Most people are creatures of habit, and they usually don’t stray too far from their regular haunts. The closure of their field prompted them to seek solace somewhere else. This is great because normally, we only see those people in tournaments, once or twice a year.

And sometimes, you don’t know these individuals very well. Now we get a chance to know them better. Personally, I was surprised by the shooting skills of some. Never judge a book by its cover. Some quaint looking people turned out to be great shooters!

We are back in business but wearing a face mask is “de rigueur.” This is not easy to do, particularly when it is hot, and when you are exerting yourself. But this is what needs to be done, and there is no excuse for not doing it. If you don’t comply with this basic rule, you are an accomplice to the continuing pandemic and its ever-rising death toll.

We will see better days, but not this year, as our beloved leader assured us. Rather be safe than sorry. We cannot let our guard down until we have proof that a vaccine will work and until we are all immune from this so-called “hoax.”

We are back in business, but not as yesteryear. Be sure to follow our guidelines and use some common sense. Your life and the lives of others depend on it.

Pétanquely yours,


PS: Vote and vote early!