Have you noticed yet? The bots are taking over, spreading across our borders—and no wall is going to stop them. Like relentless termites, these Star Wars dummies are infiltrating every organization in the land, multiplying like unneutered rabbits.
Thanks to the new breed of decision-makers now occupying the White House, the trend is clear: eliminate human workers and replace them with cheaper, obedient stooges. Longtime employees are being forced out, replaced by artificial drones that never complain, take a day off… and never ask for a raise. And all of this, we’re told, is for the sake of efficiency and economy. But how many people believe this sanctimonious rhetoric?
Let’s get one thing straight—there are good bots, and there are bad bots. Not all are created equal. Some have an Ivy League pedigree; others never made it past high school. The bad ones? Limited vocabulary, zero manners, and constant miscommunication. More often than not, you don’t understand them—and they don’t understand you.
If you’d like me to repeat that, please press 3.
Reaching a knowledgeable official is already an uphill battle. But now, with bots blocking rather than assisting, every simple task has become an endurance test.
But think of the savings! That’s the refrain from the King’s courtiers. Sure—except who’s benefiting? Everyone? Don’t be silly. The money will first flow into the pockets of the King’s minions—his Praetorian Guard. The rich will grow obscenely richer, while Joe Six-Pack will wait in line, hoping to scrape up a few leftover crumbs.
Many people don’t see beyond their nose, making them easy to mislead. But when they realize, they’ve been lied to, they are more furious (and more dangerous) than the skeptics. This is why wise leaders usually keep their cool on stage. If they disagree, they do so civilly and seldom berate or offend their adversaries in public.
What happened yesterday in the White House between President Zelensky and King Trump was a disgraceful display of arrogance and intimidation by an American president. The entire world saw it—and will not forget. That wasn’t toughness from the American side; it was sheer arrogance and stupidity. A day that will live in infamy!
Who is now going to trust their American “friends”?
The Kremlin is smiling.