“There are few things more dangerous than a mixture of power, arrogance and incompetence.” ~ Bob Herbert
In 2016 the American people hired famed carnival barker Donald Trump as America.Inc CEO. As underlined by recent events, it has been an unmitigated disaster.
Children born and raised in wealth, are usually bogged down by an intellectual disability generated by their environment. In their critical formative years, they are surrounded by lackeys whose only job is to flatter and to please them… And they inevitably grow up with this sense of entitlement…
To their defense though, it should be noted that the silver spoon protruding from their mouth prevented them from eating the proper food necessary to normal brain development.
A good commander-in-chief knows his limitations. He relies on recognized experts to lead the country. And those experts should feel free to speak candidly, even if they disagree with their boss. This is not the case in a Casa Blanca ruled by anxiety.
Off with their heads, says the king when displeased. And since the beginning of his reign, numerous heads have indeed rolled down in the wicker basket.
During the monarchy, jobs were generally offered to flattering courtiers, regardless of their competence. Their only qualification was a blind devotion to the king… it was also the case for generals and many soldiers lost their lives because of their incompetence.
It seems that under Donald the First, not much has changed. Advisors are still hired (and disposed) solely based on their servile devotion to the King. And fearing for their sheltered livelihood, few dare to disagree.
Today, it is not uncommon to see a CEO fired for incompetence or gross misconduct. And (according to Mark Murphy) the main reasons are “Ignoring customers, tolerating low performers, denying reality, too much talk and not enough action.”
Besides a lack of compassion, this has a familiar ring… the king would be well advised (very unlikely) to think twice and temper his language before lashing out at his foes.
“Be nice to people on your way up because you’ll meet them on your way down.”
Caesar, beware of the Nones of November!
*Incompetence: the inability to do something successfully