My name is Alain, a common French first name.
I was born and grew up in Paris, France. After completing my education and serving 2 ½ years in the French army, I immigrated to California in 1962. I worked in various roles for the Xerox Corporation for 35 years and retired in November 2001.
I am an animal fancier, a nature lover and I am fond of French food, humor, and “bons mots”. My present interests are writing (French and English), photography, pétanque, and French culture.
Thank you for your interest in my profile. Alain
Petanque is a game of personal mental elaboration.
Instructions from another player create confusion between the personal way to play, and the way another player wants it done.
Personal instructions to a team-mate about to play should not be voiced.
That’s a bit precious. A team forms part of a shared occupation, so a team-mate’s opinion/view can be interesting, or actually useful. No harm is done in sharing views.
Thank you everyone for the invitation! Max and I had fun, the food was excellent but the company and atmosphere was even better, nice to have been part of such nice event and thanks Alain for the great narrative and for making memorable moments with the great photos!
This is the correct link for our club in Sacramento:
Please change it when you have a moment.
Thank you
Thank you.
Thank you, Alain. I like your article and you are a likable person. Thank you very much for correcting my broken English.
I like you
Merci mon chou a la crème!
Thank you very much for your article and nice pictures. I’d like to personally thank you for being the designated photographer and the reporter for the last 20 years. We love you.