
One of my pet peeves (and with advancing age I harbor quite a few) is that too many people are unable to express any concern clearly and succinctly. You must go through a litany of questions to ultimately comprehend what they are trying to say. It is annoying and it raises your blood pressure unnecessarily.

In the 17th century, Nicolas Boileau famously said:
« Ce qui se conçoit bien s’énonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément. » (What we understand well can be clearly stated, and the words to say it come easily.)

It is an ancient saying, but it still holds true today. Unfortunately, most people are still unable to enunciate clearly what is on their minds. They speak too fast, they mumble, they stutter, and they make it impossible to be understood. To add insult to injury, they often use bizarre expressions unknown to most of the academic world.

When I was young, I could hear a fly fart, but today my hearing is a little rusty, and if you don’t speak clearly, your message will never get through. You might get annoyed if I ask you to repeat, but I feel that the burden is mostly on you and not on my shoulders.

Don’t be offended, speech delinquents, it is not entirely your fault… but it is never too late to improve your image. Repeat slowly after me:
“The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!”

And keep doing it until I say, by George, you got it!

You might not be a “looker” but if, like Cyrano de Bergerac you acquire a gift for gab, all previously closed doors will suddenly magically open for you.

“And why not? If you love her, tell her so!”
