The power of wit

Winston Churchill and cigar at his Chartwell home in 1947
Hans Wild The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

What makes some plain-looking people likable? For me, it is wit a natural aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to create humor.”

 Regrettably, wit seems to be a scarce commodity among many of today’s world leaders. Instead of wit, some resort to hurling crude insults in response to critical comments.

But insults are a poor substitute for wit and are used primarily by people of limited intelligence and imagination. As I once read, perhaps there should be a licensing system for politicians, akin to that of doctors, lawyers, or pilots. After all, why should politicos not be subjected to some critical tests before leading the nation?

Now, if I had to choose between a beautiful woman and a witty one, I would probably go for the witty one. Beauty fades with time, while wit endures and provides lasting enjoyment.

Wit seduces by signaling intelligence without nerdiness.” ― Nassim Nicholas

Indeed, wit demands intelligence and quick thinking. A physical blow may leave a temporary mark, but a witty quip can leave a lasting impact, by permanently disabling a politico’s showboat.

“Mr. Attlee is a very modest man. Indeed, he has a lot to be modest about. “ Winston Churchill

I have always been seduced by wit, and especially by Winston Churchill’s oratory skills.

“A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.”― Winston S. Churchill

 “I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend … if you have one.”George Bernard Shaw(to Winston Churchill)
“Cannot possibly attend first night; will attend second, if there is one. Winston S. Churchill

 “Nancy Astor: “Winston, you are a drunk!”
Winston Churchill: “And you, madam, are ugly. But I shall be sober in the morning.”

 The Middle East, Ukraine, Yemen…. All these terrible conflicts could be easily resolved by some leaders’ public debates, hosted by luminaries such as Simon Cowell or Sharon Osbourne.

 So, what do you say? Should we give it a go? Well, maybe… Putin sounds like a sourpuss to me and would be no match for amusing people like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Ta Ta For Now
