Like it or not, the world is awash in Fake News and the trolls are having a field day. Incidentally, our Twitter in Chief did not invent the term; few people believe that he is capable of conceiving something that original.
Nazi Germany used the term lüegenpresse extensively in the 1930’s before it became fashionable again in the US. As today, anything that did not walk in step with the Führer was labeled Fake News.
At about the same time (1938) Orson Wells terrorized America with some Fake News of his own. According to his infamous radio broadcast (The War of the Worlds), a Martian invasion was taking place in New Jersey prompting widespread panic.
Now, with the Internet’s ubiquity, any Dick Tom or Harry can create some “News” and post it on social media. And unfortunately, Fake News travel at light speed while Facts use snail mail; depending on your political affiliations, you are going to swallow it whole or reject it.
When you read something outrageous on the Internet, check the source. Is it a right-wing outfit or a liberal publication?
Before swiftly dispatching the scandalous news to your bosom buddies, scrutinize the facts. And fortunately, there are a few impartial sites that will help you to debunk some stories and set you straight.
My mother used to say, “if it is in the newspaper it must be true.” Similarly, many people will quote the Internet as gospel truth. It ain’t so! The distinct line between fabrication and truth has become so blurred that it has become somewhat difficult to assess anything you read or anything you hear.
Instead of labeling something Fake News, any politico would be much more convincing if he/she came up with credible arguments proving that it was not so.
Before believing what you read, think impartially and the scales will fall from your eyes.