Politically correct, practically incorrect

Politicians always strive to be “politically correct”. To say the “right” things to the right audiences. These “holier-than-thou” fellows absolutely hate to ruffle feathers (and offend potential voters). Every vote counts you know…

Personally I don’t care about being PC. As a matter of fact I don’t like it at all, for I despise pandering.
stalinThe expression “politically correct” has its roots in the Stalinist doctrine.
“Anyone who is not with me is against me,” observed Joseph Jughasvili Stalin (and likely to end up in a gulag, or worse).
In order to remain in friendly terms with the Georgian despot you had to toe the communist party line (his line) and always deliver “politically correct” messages.
This rule by the way still applies in Russia today where dissenters often meet a politically incorrect demise (see Boris Netsmov and Anna Politkovskaya).

Being PC is usually perceived as doing something noble, altruistic. But it is often unwise or unpractical, or both.

UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) has recently been asking western nations to welcome/absorb Syrian asylum seekers. Praiseworthy goal indeed, but why asking mainly Christian nations to welcome Muslim nationals? Fellows who are not generally known to be particularly tolerant and friendly toward the West?
Why insert potential Fifth Columnists in already troubled and financially burdened countries?

Why not ask wealthy Muslim nations to help their coreligionists?
Why not demand that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Brunei and the United Arab Emirates be more charitable instead of building newer and shinier skyscrapers and buying soccer teams?
After all, they have a common culture and share the same beliefs…
Would Muslim countries welcome Christian’s refugees in a similar situation?

I realize that what I am saying is heresy to PC activists but I call them as I see them.

It would be politically correct for lions to become vegans, but despite politically correct speeches by activist lions, most felines persist in eating innocent zebras.

I know that these beasts are wrong but isn’t it is more practical to let them be than providing tons of Wheaties to these incorrect creatures?

Politically correct? No, I prefer politically astute.
