Sugar is for the birds…

IMG_5953I know that this is old hat, but it seems that America has an insatiable craving for sugar.
Actually it is more than a mere craving, it is an addiction.

Most Americans will smother just about anything with sugary stuff, apparently to mask its true flavor. Doesn’t this strike you as odd, even perverted?
Meat, fish, vegetables, even fruits are subjected to the sugar coating treatment.
Pancakes have become nothing more than an excuse for a syrup-slurping orgy.

Around 1837, a man named Jonas Yerks started to produce a foul sugary concoction called Ketchup. Oddly enough, it became popular and was distributed on a wide scale.
My pet theory about this is that the original Forty-Niners (1848-1855) used this mixture to disguise the taste of their miserable grub and make it more palatable.
After returning home they continued to coat their food with that concoction and popularized it.

Ketchup unfortunately has invaded homes and is now found in thousands of eating-places, even in Europe.

I am glad to report that there are some exceptions though; I was once dining in a three stars restaurant when some Vulgarian summoned the waiter and asked for Ketchup.
The waiter told him that the chef of this particular restaurant didn’t allow Ketchup to interfere with his cooking.
I almost cried. There was still hope. What kind of “muzhik” (Russian peasant) would indeed request Ketchup with a tasty Chateaubriand?
In the good old days they would have beheaded somebody for making such an outrageous request.

The telltales of this sugar dependency are now showing everywhere.
Obesity that was once rare in America is now becoming a common occurrence.
The lean and lanky Marlboro Man is now a fat slob.

Even terms of endearment reflect this disturbing trend. Only in America will people call each other Candy, Honey, Sweetie, Sugar.
Why not Ice Cream, Glucose or Molasses?

Personally I am not fond of sweet stuff. I prefer my food on the briny side.
That’s why I would be more inclined to call the object of my affection Olive, Pickle or Gherkin…
It sounds less sickening than Sugar… don’t you think?

So for your own sake, get this monkey off your back.
Kick the sugar habit addiction and rediscover the true taste of food.

