I like taking action shots, and during a tournament I can capture between 350 and 400 photos.
That’s a lot, and after I have transferred all these pictures to my computer, I try to bring that number down by weeding out everything that I deem unworthy of publishing.
The criteria that I use for publishing photos are as follows:
First, the picture has to be properly focused; second, it should be candid and third I will favor an elegant boule thrower versus a clumsy one.
Ideally speaking, I would like to retain the most elegant pictures, but sometimes I keep and publish some shots that are not particularly graceful.
The main reason for doing this is my innate sense of fairness.
Most of the people like to see pictures of themselves, but few people have the natural ability to display elegance in motion.
Some people tend to look clumsy, and I try to spare feelings by not displaying unflattering shots.
Just like beautiful people, players showing an elegant form get better coverage than clumsy looking ones. It is not fair but every grownup should be resigned to the fact that life is not particularly fair.
But good form doesn’t necessarily equate with effectiveness, and vice-versa. A player can be highly photogenic but ineffective, while another one can look ungainly and be very successful.
And depending on age, infirmities or athletic abilities, some people are unable to display a fluid playing style.
Should they be shunned for it? No. I think that they deserve the right to have their moment in the sun like anybody else.
If you want to improve the way you look, you might ask a friend to videotape you. That’s what was being done when I was skiing.
Then you could show the clip to your friends and ask them to give you an honest assessment of your playing style.
You will probably lose most of your friends but you will definitely understand why you are not featured in Sports Illustrated.
I understand that Marco Foyot (a renowned French pétanque player) is coming to our area very soon.
If you don’t particularly like the way you look on pictures, now is the time to book him for a few private lessons and a complete pétanque makeover.
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