Here we go again. After the abominable Fiskal Kliff, its equally ugly cousin, the Sequester, is rearing its ugly head!
The American people are sick and tired of this charade!
First of all, what does Sequester exactly mean?
It has its origin in the Old French “séquestrer”, meaning “to keep someone locked up, illegally or by force.”
In English legalese it translates as: “Take legal possession of assets until a debt has been paid or other claims have been met.”
Regardless of its exact meaning, the American people are one more time taken hostage by a bunch of political “jihadists”. Just like Moslem terrorists, they’d rather blow themselves up rather than comprise with the “enemy”. Victory or death, that is our congressmen’s patriotic motto.
And just as with the Kliff, the puppets strings of this charade are pulled by wealthy (usually invisible) individuals who control the purses of political parties.
In the streets they would be called Wise Guys; in politics they are known as “grandees” or PAC (Political Action Committee) benefactors.
If you don’t play ball with us, they tell to their minions, we will destroy your political career and you will have to give up golf, health club membership (gasp) and do manual labor (double gasp) to feed your family.
And if you don’t know what I am talking about, start watching “House of cards”. A fictional but eye-opening television series that is shedding some light on the mechanics of American politics.
The wealthy are hell-bent on keeping all of their wealth and advantages, and they don’t give a hoot about Sequester. They don’t have to. As usual if the Sequester is implemented it is the underprivileged that will suffer the most.
This situation reminds me of 18th century France.
Despite an alarming financial mess, the Nobility and the Clergy adamantly refused to pay taxes or give up any of their privileges.
Their blind obstinacy triggered the French Revolution of 1789, and most of these “refuseniks” ended up with their head in a basket or decorating the end of a pike.
The latest polls indicate that the American public is fed up with a squabbling do-nothing Congress and is ready to go to the barricades and erect guillotine platforms.
Is Congress listening? Some congressmen are, but are afraid to break ranks with their benefactors. Political animals as you know, are not especially noted for their courage.
Will it take another Chernobyl to wake them up? I hope not.
So, who is to blame for this endless mess?
Not a very difficult question. Just follow the money.
Find out who is subsidizing the extremists. Expose these Godfathers and shame them out of politics. Send them to Russia. Putin likes and will coddle these moneyed guys.
And get rid of “pork” (government funds, appointments, or benefits dispensed or legislated by politicians to gain favor with their constituents) and outrageous subsidies granted to wealthy farmers and oil companies, to name just a few.
Last but least, fix the scandalous status of Healthcare in America. Read Time Magazine’s special report of March 4, 2013. It will make you sick, and you will have to pay a pound of flesh to get any attention.
Those are the few things I wish for, but I am not holding my breath.