LPM Triples, February 8, 2025

Yesterday was a bright and sunny day, though a bit nippy in the early morning. But as everyone knows, I’m almost always cold—it’s just normal for me. I feel chilly even when others are warm. My doctor explained that it’s due to anemia, a condition caused by a deficiency of red blood cells. He advised me to eat more red meat to help remedy the issue.

Fair enough, but beware—when I get really cold, I might just be tempted to bite someone to satisfy my craving for blood cells. So, approach me with caution, as you would a feral dog.
Being cold is a bit like being in love—you never feel hot enough.

The turnout was great, with participants from all the local clubs. It was also a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and strengthen bonds. After all, gathering is the best therapy for keeping the blues at bay.

Some unexpected attendees included Alain Marchand, Evelyne, Noel Marcovecchio, and Mike Rago—each of whom had recently faced unexpected health challenges. Their presence was a ray of sunshine, a reassuring sign that they’re on the mend in these otherwise worrisome times.

There were many strong teams, especially the Hmong players from Sacramento. I wouldn’t be surprised if they emerged among the top winners.

An unexpected issue with Sneaky Pete forced me to leave early. The more sophisticated your gizmo (or should I say, “mate”), the harder it is to manage and control. Some pictures might look a little bit unsteady. Sorry about that.


Watch the pictures at the usual place and enter some comments if you like.

Final results and photos of the winners, courtesy of Christine Cragg.

1st place: Bill Miller, Wolfie Kurz, PJ Malette
2nd place: Derrek Dihn, Antoine Lofaro, Sebastien Lofaro
3rd pace: Phomenik, Pao LY, Susie Lee

1st place: Kue Lee, Mone Lee, Tom Lee (cousins?)
2nd place: Tamara Efron, Richard Bell, Lynn Bell

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