Aujourd’hui, j’ai pris mon pied


You might or might not be aware of it, but French is a tricky language, ready to trip you the first chance it gets. So, on you next vacation to the land of Molière, handle the talking part carefully or you might end in the slammer for seditious talk.

“Prendre son pied” (taking your foot) has two distinct meanings.

It can mean “Taking great pleasure in doing something that is judged to be very pleasant” or “Taking great pleasure in a sexual activity.”

 But let’s backtrack a little…
Today, prodded by my wife, I took a rather long walk. It was pleasant (and politically correct) but I ended up with sore feet. I sat down for a few minutes, and suddenly like St. Bernadette of Lourdes, I saw the light… and heard a voice saying, “get a pedicure, you knucklehead!”

Wasting no time, like in a trance, I drove immediately to a nearby nail salon for assistance. In my hurry to get relief, I forgot to wear a mask and was rebuffed by a small Asian lady. Mask, mask she said.

I apologized and ran back to my car to get my anti-virus shield. I was then authorized to come into the crypt to “take my foot feet.”
Let me now interject a small footnote to my story.

Men are stupid brutes, only dreaming of fights and conquests. Women on the other hand, left the fights to their significant other, and told them they would pray for them… (in a spa or nail salon- detail not clearly mentioned in the conversation).

The men only heard “I will pray for you” and left for war eager and happy. This state of affairs lasted for a long time. The women quietly “took their feet “regularly while never mentioning where they prayed.

But they could not keep this secret indefinitely. Some transgender discovered “le pot aux roses” and alerted his mates. Our women secretly go to a pleasure place and never told us about it. Let’s form a convoy to protest against this practice and put an end to this.

But after some men discovered the pleasure of been pampered regularly, by some very attentive geishas, they refused to join the revolt and started to visit these infamous pleasure palaces.

Today I did it and feel much better for it. Men, wake up, and like your women, enjoy these (not so guilty) pleasures. Go to a spa or nail salon, and “take your foot”… regularly. You will feel better instantly… trust me.
