“A dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones.”
The business community is presently facing such a dilemma. To keep its people alive or face financial ruin. The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing some administrators to make this damnable choice and I understand and sympathize wholeheartedly with both sides of this predicament.
Local authorities are desperately trying to slow down the spread of the virus by restricting attendance to many places of business. But by doing so, it is also signing the death warrant of many small enterprises. Especially during the holiday season when merchants often make 20 to 30% of their annual profit. It is difficult not to feel sympathy for people who are witnessing powerless the slow death of a business that took years to build and sustain.
But while I commiserate with the merchants, I also understand the need to bring to a stop the proliferation of this terrible decease… which by the way is not and never was a “hoax”. Sometimes people need to have a brush with death to admit that they were wrong. And I have seen in the evening news enough contrite intubated patients doing so. Covid 19 is like gangrene. You might have to amputate a limb to keep the patient alive.
We have been told that the cavalry is underway. In the meantime, we just have to circle the wagons, greet our teeth, and get vaccinated as soon as possible. There cannot be any dilly-dallying, time is of the essence.
The quickest way to get back to normal is to bear with the impositions and comply with the scientists’ decisions. If the ship is sinking, regardless of your beliefs, you have to reach for the lifeboats. There is no alternative.
I understand and empathize with those facing this terrible dilemma, but If you want to enjoy a few more years on this planet, get vaccinated the first chance you get. I will.