“Everyone… men and women seem inordinately fond of hats.” Stephen Lawhead

They do, because everybody looks better with a hat. People don a “chapeau” to protect themselves from the sun, but it is not the only reason.
Style is also a factor.
Winning is always nice, but winning with panache is better, and a hat will add flair to your game. It also allows you to tip it after executing an exceptional shot. And you will keep your hat in your hand until the applause subside.
If you care to remember, musketeers were known for their audacity and flamboyance, and their hats had certainly something to do with it. When wearing such a piece of garment, you have no choice. It is do or die. There is no other way.
“Hats have power. Hats can change you into something else.” Catherynne M. Valente
Why is a hat so significant?
First, when you enter the arena, you throw your hat in the ring!
Then, facing various opponents, you may have to wear many different hats to survive.
Some people will call you as mad as a hatter, but when the situation gets desperate, you might have to pull a rabbit out of your hat.
Why do you think Ol’ Blue Eyes always wore a chapeau? Style my friends. You could be a lousy player, but if you have an elegant demeanor, everything will be forgiven.
“Having a hat on your head gives you undeniable authority over those who do not have one.” Tristan Bernard
To illustrate my assertions, I have put together a collection of some hatted individuals that I have personally shot (with a camera) these last five years.
Go to the attached album and judge for yourself.
Beautify America. Wear a hat!
“A woman’s place in public is to sit beside her husband, be silent, and be sure her hat is on straight.” Bess Truman
Just kidding ladies! Hang on to your hat!
Love this post and photos!