It always amazes me to see an incompetent blowhard outmaneuver decent, smart, qualified individuals.
The blowhard’s main weapon is a mouth that, like an adult store, never closes. This orifice generates a loud and uninterrupted flow of rubbish on a permanent basis.
We see this happening in media, business, politics, the movie industry, manufacturing, and yes, in pétanque as well… The mouth that roars overwhelms everybody with a deluge of bombastic statements that nobody bothers to contradict.
If you repeat your baloney long enough, just like Frankenstein’s creature it acquires a life of its own and begins to thrive.

All the so-called “strongmen” of the past had a big mouth and many of them paid a steep price for that poisoned gift.
“You prove your worth with your actions, not with your mouth.” Jean Paul
Listening to a blowhard’s directives is like flying a plane engulfed in cannabis fumes. While it lasts the ride is exhilarating; but when the plane leaves the stratosphere and returns to earth, it can leave you with a severe hangover.
You have to cut your losses and cash your chips… if you have any left.
When a blowhard is blathering, Satan smiles appreciatively. The Prince of Darkness recognizes one of his minions.
The days of a blowhard though, are usually numbered. He is like a high-wire artist; highly susceptible to a gale coming from any direction.
“Tail-gunner” Joseph McCarthy was a prime example of such a scam artist. He rode high from 1950 to 1954, spooking everybody with his Red Scare and Lavender Scare.
In 1954 the Senate censured him. He died an alcoholic 3 years later at the age of 48.
Food for thought
“Never miss a good chance to shut up.” Will Rogers
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