Night Fall League tournament

With one more meet to go, the Night Fall League tournament is about to end but I have the feeling that once over it is going to be missed by many.


Started by tireless Brigitte Moran, the League surprised many (myself included) by its popularity.


Thirty people (10 doublettes) of all stripes and colors initially signed up to participate and entered the tournament under the following banners:

  1. Les Trois Joueurs: captained by Mark Shirkey
  2. Les Bons Temps: coached by Brigitte Moran
  3. Oui Cheat: managed by Chris Spratt
  4. Les Lezards: skipped by Alain Efron
  5. The Happy Hurlers: directed by Henry Wessel
  6. Team D: supervised by: led by Marc Davantes
  7. The Boule Shooters: chaired by Ken Lee
  8. The Originals: bossed by Charlie Davantes
  9. Les Bouchons: coxswained by Shannon Tracy
  10. La Provence: tutored by Mireille Di Maio

It all started on August 31st, and ever since two games were played every Wednesday night starting at 5:30 p.m. and usually ending around 7:30 p.m.

But these last two weeks, with nightfall darkening the field around 7:00 pm, the second game had to played with the help of floodlights, graciously supplied by none other than Brigitte.

The participants ranked from total beginners to semi-pros. Games were played in a very relaxed “bon enfant” atmosphere, refreshingly different from the sometimes quarrelsome contests played by club members on weekends.
Most of the time, points were accorded simply by “eyeballing” the boules on the ground and not by measuring distances with a measuring tape.

The last session of this tournament will be played October 19, 2016 and prizes for the 1st place and 2nd place will be awarded to the most successful teams. I assume that the ranking will be determined first by the number of games won and second by the points accumulated.

It is hoped that the people playing in this little tournament will eventually sign up and join our organization, because to avoid sclerosis a club needs a constant flow of new blood.
I believe that they will join because Pétanque is a highly addictive activity. Once you start it is difficult to give it up, and like the locoweed it gives you incredible highs.

So, start the New Year on the right foot and join La Pétanque Marinière today.

Unlike the still uncertain outcome of our loony presidential elections, you will never regret it.


Erratum: Per Brigitte “last league night is next week and playoffs and end of league celebration will be the following week.”