“A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it.” Henry Ford
As an informal observer of human nature I like to give credit when it is due. I like to recognize and praise those who achieve instead of those who talk.
The world is essentially divided between talkers and doers, or if you prefer, blowhards and “blowsofts”.
Unfortunately blowhards are more strident than blowsofts and they often get more recognition; in a pinch though, I’d prefer to be stranded with a single blowsoft rather than a dozen braggarts.

Blowhards thrive especially in the proximity of cameras and microphones.
They speak loud and point their finger.
In our actual political context, if I say “blowhard”, I don’t have to mention any name. Everybody knows who he is. This egotistical cretin has dropped enough depth charges to sink the sturdiest dreadnought (or kill an elephant).
In showbiz, politics, sports, blowhards are a dime a dozen. They talk before they think. Before uttering non-sense they ought to remember the old saying:
Put your mind into gear before putting your mouth into motion.
Personally, I like quiet, modest people. People who shy away from the limelight. People who lead by doing instead of babbling.
Generally speaking, I would tend to agree with Teddy Roosevelt’s philosophy: “Speak softly and carry a big stick”, but I also like a counterpuncher like Elizabeth Warren.
This woman is not afraid to tangle with the bad boys and she gives as good (much better) as she gets. Something that bullies are not used to and makes them incapable of responding coherently.
Hot air (sometimes called bunk) is notoriously bad for the environment. It contributes to global warming and increased pollution. Hot air melts glaciers, contributes to the rise of the sea and leads to extreme conditions.
In my book, extreme is a dirty word. Environmentally and politically speaking.
The only way to get rid of it is to remove the source of pollution.
Act fast before it is too late.