Hillary vs. the Dark Side

The 2016 US Presidential Election is too important a subject to neglect or slip under the rug.
The future of America hinges on the person who will next occupy the Oval Office and set the course of American politics for the next 4 or 8 years, and beyond.

the dark sideIt is therefore every citizen’s duty to vote for a cool, rational, experienced individual, rather than a thin-skinned, fly-by-night dilettante.
We need to pick somebody who will make us proud, not ashamed to be Americans.
When he was first elected, Barack Obama greatly enhanced Americas’ status abroad; if anointed, Donald Trump will resuscitate the image of the Ugly American and make us an object of derision around the world.

The November election depends on the “little people”. The millions of socially unimportant persons like you and me.
Seldom heard or consulted, this is our chance to have our say.

At the Democratic Convention, some of Bernie supporters looked miffed, even angry. By endorsing Hillary, their candidate betrayed them they said. Some even indicated that they would not vote for her. Big mistake.
By abstaining, or voting for anybody but Hillary, they are making it easier for Trump to capture the White House.
Regardless of their preferences, Bernie’s supporters must be pragmatic and support the Democratic candidate to defeat the “creature”.

I am fully aware that Hillary is not perfect (who is?) but in November you will have to choose between an imperfect but experienced woman and a bombastic, misogynist amateur.
What will it be?

In a democracy, the role of the president is to represent the electorate and try to improve the living conditions of his constituents, not to cater to the elite or the super rich.
Hillary will try to do this, her opponent won’t.

Unlike Trump who inherited his fortune, she is a self-made woman.
Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was never in a position to understand the plight of the underprivileged.

Why vote for a self-proclaimed billionaire who does not give a hoot about your problems?Trump likes “big deals” and you are definitely not a big deal to him.

It is wise to remember that the past predicts the future and Trump’s field of dreams is littered with broken promises.
Why would he be different once in office?

A good politician seeks accommodations not confrontation with his adversaries.

We need somebody who will deal with things sensibly and realistically and not by rattling sabers.

I saw with my own eyes “the man who would be king” calling himself humble on television. Humble?
“I am very smart, I am very rich, I always win.”
What unmitigated chutzpah! Nobody but the Donald would dare utter such baloney.

In November, renounce Satan and all his works and cast your vote for a smart, experienced, safe candidate.

May the Farce not be with you!


If you want to know more about Trump, please click on the link below.

The New Yorker