January 6 is my birthday, the glorious day when I graced the world with my presence.
You might not know it, but it is no ordinary day. It is also known as the Epiphany and this is no coincidence.
If you look up the dictionary, Epiphany is defined as “a moment of sudden revelation or insight”.
So basically, my birth was a revelation.
In the old (pre–Columbian pre-computer) days, on my B-day I would receive a few well-wishing cards, but on January 6th 2016 I was deluged with birthday wishes from all my close and far-flung Facebook chums.
I was truly touched and if you didn’t already get my thanks, I want to thank every one of you again for your thoughtfulness.
Despite the naysayers, there is something refreshing about instant cyber communication. Well whishes pouring in instantly from across the world… it is quite amazing and definitely beats snail mail. And you better get used to it because the phonebook and birthdays cards are on their way out. Don’t cry. This is a very practical and sound ecological trend.
Just think of all the spared trees, and the desperately needed oxygen they provide.
My birthday is celebrated worldwide with “La Galette des Rois” a buttery puff pastry filled with almond paste.
It is said that this feast commemorates the visit of the Magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) who brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Other Kid, born by coincidence on the same day as my birthday.
In Christian folklore, “the Epiphany is known as Three Kings’ Day, a Christian feast that celebrates the revelation of God in his Son as human in Jesus Christ.”
What the heck does that mean?
As usual, the truth is much simpler than that.
Eager to become mainstream, the early Christians simply highjacked and recycled an old Greco-Roman tradition into the Christian narrative. And this went well because simple folks are always fond of supernatural.
But back to my story…
As far as I know, nobody sent me any gold (or frankincense or myrrh) but I am still grateful. Even though… gold (or even pot instead of myrrh) would have been very nice…
But it is just the thought that counts… right?
By the way, it is not too late to get a “galette”.
I am pretty sure that “Le Barbu” (my friend Jean-Claude) still has a few of those stashed away.
If you see him, tell him that “the Revelation” sent you.
One more time, “grazie mille” for all your good wishes.