Peace on earth?

“The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn’t for any religious reasons. They couldn’t find three wise men and a virgin.”
Jay Leno

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Very well observed Mr. Leno.

The holiday season is the Bermuda Triangle of the Julian calendar.
It is full of lurking reefs that can damage or sink the sturdiest vessel.

One needs to prepare very carefully (mentally, physical and financially) to run the gauntlet of the “happiest time of the year”.

During the “holy days” (very similar to the rut season) feelings are easily bruised and horns easily locked. Many dormant, unresolved issues could easily degenerate in open warfare, and it often does. Especially within fractious families.

“At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional.” – Robert Godden

First of all, during the holidays you must be jolly. No ifs or buts. Donald Trump said so and as you know the Donald (like il Duce) is always right.


During the holidays you must also love everybody. The Good Book says so.
Everybody…? I don’t think so. Personally I reserve the right to dislike anybody I please.
I claim the right to take exception to anybody, any race, religion (especially that one) or political faction.
I am an equal opportunity spurning machine.

Then there is the business-driven frenzy of shopping. I don’t care if you are a pauper, papist or pessimist, you must buy presents!
If you don’t, you are obviously anti-business and anti-American. For this sin you might be investigated and put on the No-Fly list.

For the fun gun-loving crowd shopping is easy. They will probably head to the nearest gun shop and snatch up the latest killing machine for their friends and relatives.
The religious bunch might blow up something to celebrate the holy days and the politicians will reward themselves with their annual totally undeserved break.

As I said, the (ever-expanding) holiday season is a stressful time. But it might be helped with generous daily doses of hooch or hallucinatory mushrooms.
But don’t despair; there is light at the end of the tunnel.

On December 22, 2015 (Winter Solstice) days will be getting longer and you will have more time to work and recover most of the dough that you spent during the holidays.

The holidays should be a good time for all religions to come together, but don’t hold your breath.
My religion is way better than yours and if you don’t agree with me you deserve to die you heretic dog.

Peace to you too.


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