Yesterday, January 6 marked the day of the Epiphany, a feast that celebrates the revelation to the world that newborn Jesus (funny name) is the Son of God.
Yesterday was also my birthday, a day that also confirms that I am not the son of any deity. Difficult to believe, don’t you think?
And still, a lot of people took the time to send me a note to wish me a happy birthday.
Thank you very much to you all. Merci beaucoup mes chers amis !
This is one of the few things that Facebook is good for. Remind people of upcoming birthdays.
This avalanche of good wishes prompted me to update my Facebook status to include my wife, and the second I did this, Facebook trumpeted to the world: “Alain Got Married!”
This in turn led well-wishers to send me their heartfelt congratulations.
Well my friends, sorry to disappoint you but I didn’t get hitched yesterday. I did this for the second time about ten years ago, probably while in a drunken stupor.
But this episode perfectly illustrates the danger of providing too much information about yourself on social media.
There is a wise French saying that goes: “Pour vivre heureux vivons cachés” (to live a happy life, remain discreet) and it is a heck of a good advice.
No matter who you are, it would benefit you to always remain discreet about yourself.
Yesterday was also the birthday of my good friend Jean-Claude (the Baker) Bunand. I forgot a little bit about this because of the commotion surrounding my own birthday.
But the “barbu” didn’t forget.
Around 7:00 p.m. someone rang my doorbell and when I opened the door it was not Melchior, Caspar or Balthazar standing there.
It was Jean-Claude bearing Gold, Myrrh and Frankincense.
Actually it was just a Galette des Rois (buttery puffed pastry filled with almond cream) but it was symbolic enough. This man reveres me like a god.
Thank you Jean-Claude. You are a king among men and I am glad to count you as a friend.
Thank you all for thinking of Little Old Me on that significant day.
This might entitle you to a piece of the Kings’ Cake.
PS: We didn’t eat it that cake. We are saving it to share it with friends.