Que de crimes l’on commet en ton nom!
How many crimes are committed in thy name!
I don’t know if I am alone in this predicament (I very much doubt it), but I have often dealt with women who are significantly lacking basic communication skills.
They will start a dialogue? (especially one directed toward the resolution of a problem) speaking through a wall (or from another floor) and expect to be immediately gratified with a crystal clear answer.
“Mr. Watson. Come here. I need you!”
These few words probably sounded clearer to Watson than these unfortunate communication attempts I have had with some people of the female persuasion.
I say female persuasion because men will usually meet you eye to eye to discuss important matters (or to exchange a few blows).
And these contentious women will rant and rave if you fail to understand the static loaded message that they so poorly convey.
Well, the offended party should not be the initiator of the conversation, but the recipient.
It is like sending an incoherent message to somebody and getting upset if the beneficiary does not grasp your gibberish.
In a cohabitation contract it is imperative to have a paragraph stipulating that two people have to be in the same room to have a conversation.
I have often been astounded to hear (yes I occasionally watch Judge Judy) that two people will move in together 3 days after their initial meeting.
Are these fools mentally retarded? Where is the damn contract?
There is a big difference between «des couilles en or» and « des nouilles encore ».
Failure to communicate adequately is the main problem between cohabitants.
And just as there are strict rules in any game, there should be rules in the human relations game.
So here is a suggestion for your New Year resolution:
Prior to starting a conversation, you will have to be no more than five feet away from your interlocutor. You will signal (like in Morse code) that you are ready to communicate and request the other person’s attention.
QRV: Are you ready to copy?
QRV: I am ready to copy!
If the person starting the conversation doesn’t follow this protocol, the exchange should be considered “null and void” and you cannot be held responsible for the adverse side effects arising from this situation.
You don’t have to thank me. Just like Mahatma Gandhi I preach non-violence.
I do this for a strictly altruistic reason.
Joyeux Noel et bonne et heureuse année a tous!