I was flabbergasted to read that In Indonesia (the world’s most populous Muslim country) a woman must pass a “virginity test” to become a police officer.
And nothing scientific about this degrading assessment mind you.
According to The Guardian, an Indonesian police spokesman declared, “the exam was used to establish whether applicants have a sexually transmitted infection. “
This is the most sexist and asinine statement that I ever heard!
Even if a police officer was afflicted with a sexually transmitted disease, what does it have to do with police work?
Are the people in charge afraid that the new female recruits would go on a sexual rampage and infect the entire police force?
In addition, all females must “follow a recognized religion”, be single and not marry until several years after entering the force.
Again, what does religion and virginity have to do with police work? And why does this so-called “test” pertain to women only?
Why aren’t male police officers also required to be virgins?
It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
I don’t know why some people are so obsessed with this overrated virginity business.
Virginity is often equated with being naive, innocent, or inexperienced.
That’s not what a police force needs.
In my humble opinion prostitutes would be much better recruits than virgins.
They have experienced it all and are not likely to believe any cock and bull stories.
Who would you trust to do a better police job? A virgin or a strumpet?
Personally I would prefer the latter.
I have always thought that women can practically do anything that men can do.
They can be as good or as vicious than any man, and they often are.
But if a male supervisor is unpleasant, an unpleasant female supervisor is automatically a bitch.
As usual I see the pernicious influence of religion in this pathetic charade.
Religion demands unconditional obedience. It is a form of mind control as old as Herod and it has no bounds.
It is the antithesis of democracy and should always be subservient to freely elected (nonclerical) officials.
No man (or woman) will ever be truly free as long as clerics control his destiny!
Diderot said it better:
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. — Denis Diderot
It sounds a little extreme, but there is a nice ring to it.