The rage against the machine

Today, not a single day goes by without the media mentioning ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and its infamous acts of brutality and inhumanity.
Their heinous deeds are splashed on the front page of every newspaper, magazine or news bulletin.

ISIS “in your face” type of actions seem to act as a magnet for disaffected youth all over the world.
Its violent credo appeals to discontented young people (often issued from the immigration) who have proved unable to adapt and succeed in their adopted country.

Often due to peer pressure, they shun schools and education to conform to the rules of their toxic environment. They are nobodies in a world that rewards go-getters and looks down on underachievers.
Jihad”, they are told is the righteous way to freedom and glory!
By joining fellow misfits they feel accepted as equals instead of being ostracized by the establishment.

Jihad is a war or “struggle” against “unbelievers” (or perceived oppressors) that allows fighters to express their pent-up rage against the machine.
Jihadists often don’t have a clear idea of what they are fighting for, but the “struggle” empowers them and gives them absolute control over thousands of powerless people.
Keeping women totally subjugated also seem to be very appealing.

But a strict Islamic state (under harsh Sharia rule) might not be what they were seeking. And if they survive, they might become prisoners of a barbarous medieval system that they might not be prepared for, because the tyranny of any theocracy can be worse than any dictatorship.

ISIS is hostile to Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews (naturally), Zoroastrians, pagans, atheists, Christians, and to top it all fellow Shia Muslims.
Is there anybody else left to hate?

Rafale_001But with the world slowly but inexorably mobilizing against ISIS, the “Caliphate’s” glory will be short-lived.
Even chronically wishy-washy French President François Hollande managed to grow a spine and dispatch Rafale fighter jets to the fray.
They just launched their first airstrike against ISIS in Iraq.

“Those who live by the sword shall (undoubtedly) perish with the sword.”
