According to the rumor mill, Apple will launch the iPhone 6 this Fall.
What it means is that my six months old iPhone 5 is soon going to be obsolete and probably finish its brief career as a glorified paperweight.
I am not complaining, I am just stating a stark reality.
What was hot two or three years ago will soon lose its shine and be pushed aside in favor of new ideas and products.
Innovate or perish, that’s the way it is.
So, why do some people still cling to ideas articulated two or three thousands ago? I asked myself this morning while shaving.
I was of course mulling over Pope Francis (who I believe is a good man) visit to Israel and all the controversies that it generated.
Islam, Judaism and Christianity have common roots but have been bitter foes for a long time. Yet, they all base their “righteous” teachings on what “prophets” uttered a long time ago.
What Moses, Jesus or Muhammad proclaimed might have been sensible centuries ago, but in my opinion “pronouncements” (just like patents) should have expiration dates.
After a certain time doctrines should be reformulated to accommodate new times.
I absolutely don’t see why after all those years Jews and Moslems cannot eat pork or catholic priests cannot marry.
Does this make any sense, or is it just my iconoclastic tendencies?
Many people believed for a long time that the earth was flat. Similarly, people were told that the sun revolved around the earth.
Galileo Galilei thought otherwise and got into big trouble for contradicting the teachings of the Church. He was condemned to spend the rest of his life under house arrest.
“And yet it moves!”
Not cool!
My core belief is that no man should be bound by any archaic doctrine.
We have to live and adapt to new paradigms.
If it feels good and does not harm anybody, do it!
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” -George Bernard Shaw –