Another bomber! Just like the mad bombers of the Middle East.
I have never been able to understand what would compel anybody to build an explosive device for the avowed purpose of killing or maiming a bunch of innocent people.
I could possibly comprehend an individual seeking revenge on another person (or even 2 or 3 people), but I fail to understand what would motivate somebody to indiscriminately kill people he/she has never even seen before.
Anytime I hear about such lunacy, I cannot help but thinking about (political or religious) indoctrination.
The process by which some lost soul uncritically accepts a set of outlandish beliefs formulated by some fanatical crackpot.
Such people tend to be low self-esteem loners, introverted, resentful individuals seduced by the idea of punishing people who didn’t justly appreciate them.
I will show them, must be their motto.
I will show those smug sons of bitches what I can do.
It is a desperate act of recognition seeking. By his peers or by the people who underestimated him.
Bombers usually don’t have much to lose but will get their 15 minutes of fame (and their due reward in heaven they hope) by way of their demented act.
I assume that the Boston bomber is somebody familiar with the area, the city or even the country where the attack took place.
This person though did not have any qualms about killing people who took him in their bosom.
Did he work alone, or was he some puppet manipulated by somebody fomenting hatred from a safe distance?
I would opt for the second hypothesis. Troublemakers are usually cowards inciting feeble-minded individuals do their dirty work.
I have always favored capital punishment. I know that it is politically incorrect, but I believe that our society has become too lenient. Today you can literally get way with murder.
In the Boston case the Code of Hammurabi (Talion Law) should prevail.
What do people do when they corner an unfortunate wild animal that killed a human being?
They unmercifully destroy it.
No less should be done with somebody who wrecked so many lives.
I wish if some terrorist will hear your voice