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Tiptoeing in geezerhood

George Burns

A few years ago, a rather ancient pétanque player declared “je ne joue pas avec les vieux » (I don’t play with old people). Considering the advanced age of that particular fellow, bystanders laughed, but there was probably some heartfelt truth in that statement.

Many old people have a reputation for being boring, and this often deters some younger players from associating with them. But being boring is not exclusive to advancing age. Anybody, regardless of age or sex, can be dull and lifeless, and since nobody wants to be bored, this unflattering reputation often acts as a repellent.

“A man’s only as old as the woman he feels.” Groucho Marx

Why, by the way, is somebody labeled boring? This probably happens when a person has nothing to say. He/she doesn’t utter a word perhaps because they don’t go anywhere or do anything worth talking about. But being long in the tooth should not prevent you from being active and jolly.

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” Zig Ziglar

 It is indeed your behavior that determines your likeability index. Becoming old and creaky (and we are all equal in this respect) does not mean that one should stop living and laughing. Geezerhood is not particularly kind to the body, but it should not affect the spirit. Many people are old, but still feel young at heart.

George Burns bless his soul, kept people in stitches until he passed away, at the ripe age of 100. Not bad for an old geezer!

“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day…”

 That’s right. Do not fade away without battling Father Time tooth and nail. Keep and nurture your ability to laugh at anything and anybody.

Futurologists, flexologists, and sexologists have been working with old folks to nurture their “joie de vivre”, but the secret of happiness lies in socializing (with young and old) and not being afraid to show emotion. Olé!

One benefit of old age is that your secrets are safe with your friends — they can’t remember them either!

Keep moving, geezers and youngsters so the bugaboo won’t catch you.


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