Lately, after a significant increase of Covid positivity among the citizenry, the local authorities clamped down on almost everything fun… Cafés, bars, restaurants, bordellos… Everybody was ordered to close shops.
Right now, besides walking or howling at the moon there is absolutely nothing to do. And alas, when I am bored, I have a tendency to pay a (courtesy) visit to the fridge… a distraction that I need like a hole in the head.
So, after pondering the situation for a while, I proposed to Tamara, to drive to San Francisco and stroll for a while on the Chrissy Field Promenade Trail. Despite having already walked 4 miles in the early morning, Tamara accepted enthusiastically. The Iron Lady is always game for any physical activity, and a while later we were on our way to the City.
The Marina area was sunny with a slight haze hanging over the bay. During the week, this area is a little less crowded than on weekends, but it was still well attended. And that’s what I like about this place. You can always catch a microcosm of the local population. Joggers, cyclists, nannies, elderly folks, dog walkers, and a multitude of mutts running excitedly by and in the water. This area is civilized, and everybody was wearing masks. There were no belligerent “freedom fighters” dissenters to spoil the mood.
Today, the tide was exceptionally high (something to do with the White House’s stormy atmosphere I have been told) and most of the beach was covered with some foamy white stuff. This did not stop the dogs from chasing each other and taking an occasional dip in the water. I could not help but snap a few pictures, but the light was not propitious and with very few exceptions I didn’t bag any decent shots.
As I said, everybody was wearing a mask and you are starting to take this anomaly in stride. This is the new normal. What is now shocking are bare faces exposing noses and mouths. Those are becoming known as the new nipples of the 21st century. Decent folks don’t show them… just suggest their presence.
And talking about masks, last night, at our Zoom meeting, I was surprised to see the bare faces of our new members for the first time. It was rather odd. It suddenly occurred to me that Muslim women wearing niqabs must have a lower mortality rate than the shameless floozies daring to show their “nipples” in public.
But please excuse my digression… I was carried away by the flow of my eloquence.
To sum it up, we enjoyed our time frolicking at the beach, and I am (temporarily) “unbored”.