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Il Duce ha sempre ragione

The leader is always right!

But seriously, can anybody always be right? It sounds a little far-fetched to me, but it seems that some special people possess this uncanny ability. In the Thirties for instance, Benito Mussolini (Il Duce ha sempre ragione) was one of those. He was always right… so said his supporters.

“A basic slogan in Fascist Italy proclaimed that Mussolini was “always right” (Il Duce ha sempre ragione). Endless publicity revolved about Mussolini with newspapers being instructed on exactly what to report about him.” Wikipedia

Always being right is a tough job, but it seems that somebody will always be willing to sacrifice him/herself for the good of the nation. The new messiah usually surrounds himself with ardent devotees who like a Greek chorus repeat and praise all his actions Ad Infinitum.

In the eyes of his supporters, the leader is always right… regardless of how outrageous his declarations can be. Because a devotee doesn’t judge; he only endorses. That is what faith can do. It also requires his adherents to wear blinders, so that they wouldn’t be tempted to stray away from the righteous path.

Selling books, even Bibles also helps a great deal. Because If it is written in a book, it must be true, isn’t it?

Of course, embellishing the facts is also part of the game. In any crusade, some exaggeration is permitted, even condoned. Sticking strictly to the facts is considered naïve and even dangerous. Fibbing is regarded as a “poetic license” and is part of this catechism.

Hyperbole is also accepted and even admired:

“Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts.” Benito Mussolini

 “There has never been anything like it, this great movement of ours. Never been anything like it, and perhaps there will never be anything like it again.”???

 We are going to make our country great again!

 It sounds good, doesn’t it? But will democracy be an inherent part of this glorious package? Before committing, read the fine print very carefully!


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