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Booyah for Sara

A short while ago, I received some intel that our very own Sara Danielson penned a little piece in the Marin Independent Journal, praising the game of pétanque. To that, I say, “Booyah for Sara!”

Joe and Sara Danielson

In response to the IJ’s article titled “Adults need playdates too,” Sara highlighted that “pétanque provides social interaction outdoors in the fresh air with minimal equipment.” Booyah indeed!

The crucial takeaway here is social interaction, a key factor irrespective of age. Humans, much like all living beings, require playtime, and beyond a certain age, staying active and socially connected becomes even more vital. Play isn’t just reserved for children; it is also a necessity for adults.

Isolation tends to afflict older citizens, and it is known to contribute to dementia. Imagine a car left idle for an extended period; it won’t function as well as one used regularly. Similarly, human beings need to stay socially and physically active—essential elements for happiness.

“As if a man’s soul were not too small to begin with, they have dwarfed and narrowed theirs by a life of all work and no play; until here they are at forty, with a listless attention, a mind vacant of all material of amusement, and not one thought to rub against another, while they wait for the train.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

You’re not always in the mood to play, but, as the French say, “l’appétit vient en mangeant” (appetite comes with eating). Sometimes you must push yourself to do something to finally enjoy it; it’s often a case of mind over body.

Unfortunately, many Americans are unfamiliar with pétanque, missing out on a great activity. It’s something everyone can enjoy, even those in wheelchairs. In France, numerous celebrities partake in this sport, enhancing their public image.

As America faces crucial elections in 2024, there’s concern about the incumbent’s fittingness for the role. A notable boost in ratings could occur if the president was seen on the pétanque field mingling with common folks. While past presidents often played golf, (seen by many as an elitist sport) the current president could demonstrate solidarity with common folks by playing pétanque with them. What a great photo opportunity it would be…

Once again, a big  Booyah for Sara, for making pétanque more familiar and more appealing to all Americans.


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