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Taboos, let there be light

I already wrote about this, but lately, an incident widely reported in the news brought me back to this subject. In August 2022, Sanna Marin (Prime Minister of Finland), was seen dancing exuberantly at a private party, and this raised a political storm. For many people, this activity was taboo. A Prime Minister should not behave that way. And why not?

The dictionary defines a taboo (from Tongan tabu) as “a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice, or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.”

America with deep roots in Puritanism was for a long time, chockfull of taboos… subjects that could not be mentioned or talked about in public. And Religion cast a giant shadow over this phenomenon. Taboos are like vampires; they are afraid of light and exposure.

Despite some resistance, things are improving. Taboos are one by one unearthed and exposed to light… and nothing horrible happened—just the contrary. The light cleanses and demystifies realities.

The word WAR has become a new taboo in Russia, and if you know what’s good for you, you should not talk about it. I surmise that, like masturbation, it is an impure and “shameless” subject that should be kept in the dark. But now despite many threats, everybody knows about this bloody war, and YouTubers are constantly blabbering about masturbation… and as far as I know, the rate of blindness in America has not significantly increased since this happened.

“It is our attitude toward free thought and free expression that will determine our fate. There must be no limit on the range of temperate discussion, no limits on thought. No subject must be taboo. No censor must preside at our assemblies.” ~ William O. Douglas

 Taboos have always been a way to control or muzzle people. We don’t want you to talk about this; it is unhealthy, and you could be thrown in an “oubliette” or put on the rack if you do it. Don’t tell the truth, it is harmful.

Another taboo has long been prostitution. Despite many laws to prevent it, it is still happening everywhere, and it is not going away soon. But it is also becoming more respectable; it has been given a makeover and it is now known as “escorting”. It is much more palatable to self-righteous folks.

Personally, I don’t bear any prejudice against sex workers. If they are not coerced in any way and if they are willing to do the job, more power to them.

If anything exists, you should be able to talk about it.

“I like talking about things that are taboo because it makes them not taboo anymore.” ~ Sarah Silverman


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