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The lure of fame

Pheme was the goddess of fame in Greek mythology; the people she favored were notable and renowned, while those who defied her were scorned and plagued by rumors.”


Today, Fame is still relevant. She is a bewitching but capricious entity. Like a spoiled child, she won’t answer when called, and she will cling to you when unwanted.
But despite her shortcomings, she is ardently pursued by many. They want her, believing that she will bring them the recognition that they deserve.

A wise man never seeks the limelight. Sometimes the limelight catches up with him, but he will quickly discourage it and shush it away. Fame seekers, on the other hand, rush to the spotlight like moths to the flame. It can be perilous.

New-found fame is like a first romance. In the beginning, it is exhilarating. Everybody loves you and wants to be seen with you. You get good tables at restaurants and make frequent television appearances.

But the goddess has a dark side… she is bipolar. If you offend her, she will stalk you and bring unwelcome attention to every detail of your life, warts and all. You won’t be able to go or be seen anywhere without being followed by paparazzi and talked about in trashy magazines.

Fame is a two-faced goddess who can enhance or spoil your existence. If you are likable, she will be kind to you. If you are petty and arrogant though, the stalker will take over and slowly destroy you.

Low popularity will bring increased scrutiny… on all the facets of your life. Nothing will remain confidential. Your personal and professional life will be put under the microscope and each of your utterings will be recorded and amplified. And may God preserves you if you lie…

Ultimately, fame could become your Tunic of Nessus. You will die of a thousand cuts, slowly and painfully and be only remembered for your infamy.
People who were previously relatively unknown, but whose vanity propelled them into the limelight, will someday woefully yearn for obscurity.

Be careful what you wish for… mind the old saying: “Pour vivre heureux, vivons cachés » (to live happily, live hidden) …

In other words, don’t make waves… flapping sounds will attract sharks…


Something to think about…
You cannot buy glory with money. —  Isokrates, 436-338 BC

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