“I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.” Donald Trump
Typical tacky Trump! But bigger, my voluminous fellow is not necessarily better.
Some people in America have a morbid fascination with size. Everything they lust for has to be BIG!
Size seems to be the primary motivation behind any decision making process. When going to a movie theater, they will purchase a popcorn container big enough to feed a small African village… and a sugary concoction the size of a beer keg.
Personally, I find it rather repugnant that some people cannot sit anywhere without shoving something into their mouth.
In a restaurant, they will order a steak the size of Texas. If they buy a car, it will be a monstrous urban assault vehicle more designed to maul than carrying people. If they date a girl, she will be required to have breasts the size of watermelons.
What is the matter with those lunatics?
Yet some people have got to have it. And businesses are only too happy to oblige. They will provide T-shirts the size of a bed sheet, triple-decker hamburgers, ten scoops ice cream portions, Brobdingnagian soft drink containers, sandwiches the size of your forearm… without forgetting the disgusting “all you can eat” menus.
I find that there is something rather morbid about somebody who is primarily attracted by size… Because size will eventually kill you.
If you keep wolfing these triple-deckers, drink these mammoth size Cokes, and keep fornicating with surgically endowed babes, you will meet your maker sooner than expected. And you’ll probably require a triple-decker casket. They have those too… for a big price.
Bigger is not better! It is ultimately dehumanizing and detrimental to your well-being and to your wallet.
In short
It is better to be small and smart than big and stupid!
A small guy