The ship of democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those on board. — Grover Cleveland
Fluctuat Nec Mergitur has been the motto of the city of Paris, France since 1358. This old Latin phrase roughly translates as:
“She is tossed by the waves but does not sink”.
In Washington though, the ship of state is also battered by the waves but in great danger of foundering.
The captain’s erratic behavior is frightening officers and crewmen alike. The ship’s company distrusts him, and like Captain Bligh, he could possibly be relieved of his command and set adrift on a sea of troubles.
The American ship of state is starting to resemble The Flying Dutchman, the legendary ghost ship, whose sight was an omen of doom.
The Bounty and the Caine mutinies bear many similarities. They both occurred because of captain Bligh and captain Queeg paranoid behavior. Evidently, the title does not make a leader.
Effective authority is based on mutual respect and a captain has to lead by example. He cannot get involved in personal feuds and resort to name-calling. He has to stay above the fray. The minute he breaches etiquette and turns to abusive language, he stoops to the gutter level and loses the respect of his peers.
Generally speaking, a man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth is not an ideal candidate for public office. He is used to getting his way, and if he is not indulged he is likely to roll on the floor and throw a temper tantrum.
The style of a captain of industry and a political leader are vastly different. A businessman is a kinglet ruling by decrees, while a statesman rules by consensus. Both jobs differ greatly and are not mutually compatible.
Thought to mull over:
Run for office first (and if you absolutely must) tackle business afterward. Attempt the opposite and find yourself discombobulated (I like that word) and open to ridicule.