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Russian People Get a Day Off in September

“Remember, sex is like a Chinese dinner. It ain’t over ’til you both get your cookie.”
Alec Baldwin

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I must confess that I squander a lot of time trawling the Internet.
Yes, this is a weakness of mine. But to my defense, I must argue that “Idleness is the enemy of the soul”, and to keep my mind active I trawl the vast ocean of the World Wide Web.

Most of the stuff I gleam on the web is not really amusing, but once in a while like an old Forty-Niner of yesteryear, I find a nugget in my gold pan.
And that’s what happened yesterday.

My eyes caught the following paragraph:

“Every September 12, the people of Russia are allowed to take the day off in order to have sex. Sometimes, if a baby is born exactly nine months later, the parents will actually get cash prizes.”

 I don’t know how you feel about Putin and his policies, but you have to admit that this is a hell of an idea.
A day off to have sex! ‘боже мой’ (OMG!) Just like evading taxes, this is pure genius!

To keep his people docile, Vladimir gives them what they want: sex.

Hillary could learn from this. Instead of “fighting for equal pay”, Hillary should have sponsored a (paid) day off to have sex.
“Stronger together”? Lame. “Shagging together” much better.

If the Donald ever decides to turn on his good friend and attack Russia, September 12 would be the time to do it. When everybody in Russia has his pants down.

When you get to know them, Russians are friendly people. Full of ideas…There are many successful Russian entrepreneurs in the US, and they are successful because just like Volodia (diminutive of Vladimir), they think outside the box.

Have sex, and get paid for it! Pure genius!


 “I blame my mother for my poor sex life. All she told me was ‘The man goes on top and the woman underneath.’ For three years my husband and I slept in bunk beds.”
Joan Rivers

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