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There’s nothing like a dame.

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.~Oscar Ameringer

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When I was growing up in France, the country was mesmerized (and divided – as always) by the war of words and the fights of two famous wrestlers: l’Ange Blanc (the White Angel) and le Bourreau de Béthune (the Executioner of Béthune).

Fifty years later we are witnessing  the same theatrics in America.

In one corner we have Donald Trump (The Blustering Fool) and Hillary Clinton (The Nasty Woman).
In one of the most contentious elections in the American history we have to choose between “making America great again” and “Stronger Together”.

Frankly, I would rather go with “stronger together”. United we stand, divided we fall. Everybody knows that. In an increasingly diverse population we need to include (and not to exclude) every segment of the American society.

What kind of person do we need in the White House?

Well, what do say America?
The choice is between an unpredictable blustering egomaniac and a tough, cerebral, experienced dame.

Hillary is far from perfect. And yes she occasionally lied, but who (especially politicians) never lied? Is the Donald lily-white in the fabrication business?

So give me a break.
On November 8, put emotions aside and cast a sane ballot for the person who will be better for all of us, not just a few.


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