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Ass kissing

“Life is all about Ass. You’re either covering it, laughing it off, kicking it, kissing it, bursting it, or trying to get a piece of it.” 
Unknown Author

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IMG_9388Every four years American politicians vying for at shot at Pennsylvania Avenue engage in a gigantic ass-kissing contest that is watched with incredulous amazement by the rest of the world.

This League of Extraordinary Gentlemen men dudes (and dudette) shamelessly engages in a bunch of unnatural acts to secure votes.

Wearing plastic smiles, they will mingle with and glad-hand commoners (yuck), kiss drooling babies (gross), eat crappy foods (yech), play checkers, pretend to ride the subway, in short, perform all sorts of deeds that are as flagrantly phony as a three- dollar bill.
They will even try to rope in a reluctant pope to enroll him as a Facebook friend.

As usual, an obscene amount of money is fueling this farce. For money is power. It is an “extra-strength” lubricant that behind the scene can and will unfreeze the most obstinate frozen bolts.
Candidates are not above cajoling, bribing even blackmailing (especially if there is a skeleton dangling in your closet) the so-called “undecided”.

But if victory is achieved, will there be gold at the end of the rainbow for Joe Sixpack and his buddies?
I very much doubt it. Joe and his chums will get bupkes, nada, rien.
Only a few in the immediate entourage of the candidate will be rewarded for their steadfast support.

For when this long humiliating courtship comes to an end, everything changes. It is now the former ass kisser who wants to be the “kissee”.

I want real loyalty. I want someone who will kiss my ass in Macy’s window, and say it smells like roses.” Lyndon B. Johnson

So, why should we vote for any of these brownnosers?
Because USS America needs somebody at the helm. Somebody preferably presidential looking, reasonable, experienced, pragmatic, not some pathetically laughable, uninformed pompadoured braggadocio.

Demagogues are dangerous fellows. They generally promise what they cannot deliver.
Promise me less, but if possible, give me more. Not the opposite.

Speaking for myself, I cannot trust anybody who blows his own horn harder than famously arrogant (“There are not enough Indians in the world to defeat the Seventh Cavalry”) George Armstrong Custer.


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