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A bit of everything

“It’s the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time.”
Tallulah Bankhead  

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You might have possibly noticed that my literary output has shriveled down to a trickle. Lately I have not inked much of anything due to an absorbing preoccupation with an upcoming project. But more about this later…

We humans are creatures of habit. Day in day out we unconsciously observe the same rituals. Personally, I have breakfast, answer my e-mail and peruse the news (in English and in French) on my computer.

This morning for instance I noticed with pleasure that Ludivine (I like that name) made the headlines.
She is only 2 ½ year old, but she finished 7th out of 165 runners in Alabama half-marathon (13 miles).
Granted she is a bloodhound, but still a good performance. Congrats Ludi!


Then I read that nude statues in a Rome museum were covered up in order to avoid hurting the sensibilities of Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s visiting president.
If you ask me, what Iran needs above all are not lucrative contracts with European nations, but a wave of Boobomania to rid their country of its religious straightjacket and its excessive prudery.
Down with the morality police and up with the boobs. Free the nipples!

Then I noticed that in France taxi drivers and air traffic controllers are on strike. Again.
The taxi drivers in particular are very unhappy with Uber that is “stealing” rides from them. They want to keep their lucrative racket to themselves but they are a snotty, ignorant bunch.
Get over it, you idiots. Uber and similar companies are here to stay. They are better organized, more flexible, more courteous, and cheaper than the cabbies.
My advice: if you cannot beat them, join them before you become irrelevant. And with driverless cars around the corner, if I were you, i would definitely consider a drastic career move.

Then this: Saudi Arabia’s royal family gave Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak a $681 million gift, an investigation revealed Tuesday — but officials ruled there was no corruption involved.”
No corruption involved! Beautiful! I like that.

I also took notice that Woody Allen made a deal with Amazon to create a TV series.
Nothing wrong with that, but to my surprise Woody hired that insufferable bimbo Miley Cyrus to be one of the main characters.
We all know that she can twerk and catch flies with her tongue, but can she act? That remains to be seen.

Then I heard through the grapevines that “Les Paniers de Noel“ the world famous coitus interruptus San Francisco tournament is still in limbo.
Everything depends on the good will of the Rain Gods (there are plenty of them) and frankly we have not done much to please them.
We need to sacrifice a virgin or a Tea-Partier to mollify and beg them to momentarily stop the wet stuff to allow us to complete our much-delayed tournament.

After assessing the news, I like to take “un bain de foule”, in other words mix with my fellow mortals. I usually go to a coffee shop and have a cup of java in order to observe the fauna of Marin County. It comes in all shapes and sizes.
I have noticed that lately, women are wearing a lot of leggings as pants.
They might be comfortable, but sometimes they are not flattering.

Excuse my French but if you have an oversized booty, leggings are not for you. They showcase a part of your anatomy that should be kept unnoticed.
But we still live in a (pre-Donald) free country.
Hell, if it feels good, do it. It’s no skin off my nose.



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