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Parlez-vous (réellement) français?

A different language is a different vision of life.Federico Fellini

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 Mastering a foreign language (especially tricky French) is no small achievement. It is an arduous and frustrating process that can easily take a few years.
And when you finally think that you can ride the alien bull, you are suddenly confronted with a slew of peculiar expressions that leave you totally bewildered.

We are still in the holiday season, so out of compassion, I will try to shed some light on some common French expressions that only make sense to the snail-eating Frogs.

Does it make sense? Mais bien sûr…

Now, never utter a French word unless you are absolutely sure of what it means and how to pronounce it.
For instance, “un bras” is not a brassiere, it is an arm. So, don’t put your “bras” in your mouth.

As a general rule (but not always), when a word ends with a consonant, the last letter is not pronounced.
Be careful, the French are not tolerant and are quick to mock.

Often mispronounced words:

Hoping that this little tutorial was helpful.

Bonne année et surtout bonne santé, mectons et gigolettes!


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