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Life ain’t a bowl of cherries

Contrarily to what would-be refugees might think, life in the West is not a bowl of cherries.

The first obstacle preventing newcomers from feasting on “cerises” is language. If they are over 45 (even younger), they will probably never speak English (or any other language) properly.
Or if they do, they will speak it in a heavily accented English that will set them immediately apart. This in turn might lead to discrimination.

The second hurdle is finding a job.
Finding a job today is tough, not only for refugees but also for college graduates.
Jobs will automatically go to competent candidates and few refugees will qualify.
If they do find a job, it will be a menial, low paying occupation.
Difficult to buy cherries with that.

The third most formidable stumbling bloc is culture.
In the West, social mores are vastly different from those of the Muslim world where religion permeates everything.
When opting to emigrate, refugees need to cast aside the straightjacket of religion and adapt to their new secular environment. Islamic clothing and sectarian beliefs have got to go, for men and women alike.
For some people wearing a “niqab” in a secular country is as offensive as wearing a miniskirt in Saudi Arabia. And a miniskirt would certainly not be permitted in Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia or any other Islamic country.
Refugees will have to shed their previous way of life and adapt to the (sometimes questionable) western ways.

Let’s not forget that it is not up to the welcoming country to adapt to newcomers, but vice-versa. We don’t owe them anything. They owe us everything!

So, life is not going to be easy for the newcomers.
After a while, resentment might settle in. And resentment is a fertile ground for radicalization.
As amply proven before, even second generation immigrants are highly susceptible to extremism. So, any country willing to admit some refugees has the duty to rigorously screen the people they let in.

Religion and sectarian customs are the bane of Muslim countries.
Let us not allow “politically correct” do-gooders to coerce us to accept (without exhausting background check) large amount people who are inherently violent and who have been raised to react murderously to any perceived offense.
The European countries with large Muslim populations (e.g. France) are in big trouble.
Let’s not repeat their mistakes. The pro-guns and pro-life fanatics are troublesome enough without allowing another large wave of potential troublemakers to disrupt our way of life.

Thoroughly screened refugees will probably have to eat crow before tasting cherries.
But the world is still far from being perfect.

It is rightly the people who are the most adaptable that will succeed.
So girls, you can keep your bras but you have to burn your niqabs.

Alain aka Iznogoud

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For you ladies:


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