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Fluctuat Nec Mergitur

La Marseillaise:

“Tossed by the waves, but won’t sink!”

This is Paris’ motto and despite many bloody episodes, it has endured and will continue to endure.

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I was born in Paris in the very district where Friday’s horrific carnage took place.
I feel very deeply for my fellow countrymen and I share their sorrow, AND yes, their desire for retribution.

This barbarous deed demonstrates one more time the abominable inhumanity of the so-called Caliphate fanatics.
They are a cancerous tumor that metastasizes uncontrollably throughout the word and need to be removed once and for all from the surface of the earth.
Just like the Nazi scourge of yesteryear, this nefarious outfit needs to be eradicated and their leaders brought to justice.

Make no mistake! What happened in Paris last week could happen anywhere in the world, and if nothing is done, it certainly will.

A new coalition of all law-abiding nations should be put in place right away and hit these retrograde extremists with overwhelming force.
Western nations should invade Syria and cleanse this cesspool of barbarity before it gets worse.

All civilized nations (Russia -with a large Muslim population- included) have a stake in this enterprise and the United States should (even reluctantly) take the lead in this rightful crusade.

Europe should also close its borders. Open borders are a utopia that cannot be sustained. You still can have a European Union but you need to tightly control who gets in and who gets out.
All suspects and sympathizers should be detained. No more legal loopholes.

Extreme situations demand extreme measures and extreme measures (including a tight control of Muslim communities) should be imposed.

Friday the 13th was a new September 11th and an ominous precursor of things to come.

To prevent this from happening again, strike back and strike hard!


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