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The taming of the shrew

Frequent and loud laughter is the characteristic of folly and ill manners.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield


I totally agree with you, milord! Loud laughter is boorish and betrays a substandard upbringing.

I am not misogynous but sometimes I feel like hitting some women on the head with a telephone book to stop them from making a spectacle on themselves in public places.
They screech and laugh so loudly that it sounds like Improvised Explosive Devices exploding in the room.
It is an embarrassment to everybody around, especially to servicemen who instinctively jumped under their table.

A high-pitched laugh is difficult to take, especially in the morning (when you are still in a slumbering haze) or in the evening, when you try to unwind.
What is it? Exhibitionism? A desperate cry for attention? Look at me, I just got a new haircut, a new dress, new boobs… Look at me!

Put four women together in a room and you have a very combustible situation. The tinniest spark could ignite an explosion.

Contrarily to what has been taught in many schools, it was not men who stormed the Bastille in 1789. I am pretty sure that 60% of the rioters were bored housewives.
They probably texted each other: let’s get together girls, have a drink, suck on a joint and have fun… I know a bistro near La Bastille…

And what do you think happened after a few drinks and a few puffs of Maui Wowie?

They all went crazy, hit a few taverns before joining some drunks hollering for more booze.
A drunken woman has the strength of half a dozen men. You can imagine what they did to the Swiss Guards and the fortress.

As I said before, I like women, but women who behave according to the rules of the Marquess of Queensberry.
No low blows, no head butting and no shrieking or screaming.

“I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll be glad to make an exception.”
Groucho Marx

That’s what I often think when I see (and especially hear) women lapsing into hysterics.


PS: Excuse me ladies for kvetching, but after a rather painful incident I had to get it off my chest. No hard feelings.

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