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Le Savoir Vivre

Some experiences leave a bitter taste in your mouth. It is often due to an encounter with somebody who is totally devoid of “savoir vivre”.

Le savoir vivre” is a French expression meaning literally “knowing how to live”. It is a sign of good breeding and the knowledge of usages of polite society.

We are all alive of course, but some people don’t have the faintest idea how to live, how to behave in society.

« Le savoir vivre c’est de ne pas abuser de la gentillesse des autres. »
Le savoir vivre is to never abuse the kindness of others.

The first condition of “savoir vivre” is modesty.
One should never toot his own horn.

And finally,

Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un con que de l’ouvrir et ne laisser aucun doute sur le sujet. Coluche
It is better to remain silent and look like a fool than to open your mouth and leave no doubt about it.


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