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Happiness is a purring cat

Who has not experienced emotional strain once in a while? It is one of the curses of modern life and it can lend on you like a ton of bricks.

But if you ever feel despondent, dispirited, don’t go to a shrink. Get adopted by a cat. It is warmer, softer, cheaper than a psychologist, and non-judgmental.

Sigmund Freud himself agreed:
“Time spent with cats is never wasted.”

There is nothing more soothing than reaching in the gloom of night for a purring little ball of fur.
Don’t worry, it says, I am here. You can rub my belly if your heart aches. It has magic properties known to get rid of disturbing bugaboos.
You can pet me as long as you want. There is no extra charge.

Cats seldom speak (they can, but they don’t want to) but they are able to convey what they want very easily.
They communicate with their entire body: mouth, ears, eyes, body, tail.
You will have to be pretty dense not to understand what they are saying.
And if you pretend that you that you don’t, they will turn around and walk away haughtily with their tail held high in the air; everybody knows that it is the highest form of contempt.
I am not wasting my precious time with such a dunce, the tail says.

In ancient Egypt (much more enlightened than Modern Egypt) cats were considered sacred. They were worshiped, and after death some (like high ranking humans) were even mummified.
Killing a cat, even accidentally was then punishable by death. As it should be.

Cats are the most sophisticated creatures that ever saw the light of day.
They are lovers, fighters, dreamers, philosophers and gourmets.
They are wise and consider very carefully what their next move will be.
They are not impetuous. They are deep thinkers and only act after careful consideration.

Among the famous cat lovers: Sir Winston Churchill (his cat Jock even attended wartime Cabinet meetings. He was trusted to never speak about what he heard and he never did).
Alexandre Dumas, Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, Victor Hugo, Robert E. Lee, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, John Lennon (he and his first wife Cynthia had up to ten cats), Queen Victoria, Sir Walter Scott, Mark Twain and Aleksei Efronov.

When cats speak, people listen.
A famous cat said:
“Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.”
Napoleon Bonaparte

To sum it up, instead of getting your head and body massaged by a total stranger, strip into a “full monty” and get a good kneading from your cat.

You will feel better, I promise you.


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