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Humour quand tu nous tiens

“Atheism is a non-prophet organization” George Carlin

When I was a young gay blade* chasing flirtatious lasses, my pre-requisite for starting a relationship was a shared sense of humor.
I don’t deny that T & A ranked high, but it came only close second to a woman’s innate ability to laugh at things and people.

More than anything else, it was a ready smile and an easy laugh that first attracted me to a woman.
If my date proved unable or unwilling to laugh at my jokes she was out. No ifs or butts!

This pre-requisite still holds true today.

People incapable of appreciating humor rank low in my circle of acquaintances.
It is laughter that distinguishes us from animals, and if you are incapable of laughing, what does that make you?
To be true, I am not sure that dogs do not have a sense of humor. If they didn’t, why would they pee on your leg?

Sharing humor provides a sense of complicity, of belonging.
If you can laugh at the same things you have something in common and it augurs well for the future.
If you cannot, it is better to part ways quickly instead of lingering in an unhappy relationship.

In humor there are no taboos.
One ought to be able to joke about anything; even about God (she would not mind) or religion. Especially religion! There is always a crying need to skewer this antiquated charade.

Some people are incapable of recognizing humor when it stares them in the face.
It is not just words or images that make something funny. It is their unexpected juxtaposition and context.

To appreciate humor you need to be informed. And to be informed, you need a broad vision of the world.
You cannot tune in to a single channel to have a balanced view of events.
You cannot understand jokes about the Oscars if you have not seen the Oscars.

Putin by himself is not funny. Putin riding bare-chested might elicit a smile. But Vladimir wrestling a bear should make you laugh. If you don’t, you don’t have a sense of humor and you are prime material for joining the Communist Party.

It is said that Conservatives have a much less developed sense of humor than liberals.
I wonder what humor is like in Saudi Arabia?
If you cannot joke about sex, politics or religion what is there left to laugh about?
The weather? Miley Cyrus? The Infidels?

If you are apathetic, depressed or cannot see humor around you, you need treatment.
For a modest fee I could oblige.
But you probably will not like me, for I will laugh at most of the things that you hold sacred.

No matter what, na zdarovye my friends!


*It is not what you think.
A gay blade originally referred to a dashing swordsman whose sword was often upright and at the ready. Later it was applied to any gallant young man.

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