I am a blogger, a guy who writes a blog.
The word “blog“, by the way was coined by a certain Peter Merholz, who broke the word weblog into “we blog” and then “blog” for short.
A blog is a highly personal website unencumbered by censorship (at least in the free world). The blogger pens down personal opinions and publish his work.
A blogger’s philosophy often stems from the French saying “C’est pas parce qu’on a rien à dire qu’il faut fermer sa gueule.” (It is not because you have nothing to say that should keep your trap shut.)
Now you know.
Many blogs concentrate on a specific subject; not me. Not anymore.
I started my own blog about 10 years ago.
Its original purpose was to keep pétanque players informed and interested in that sport.
But pétanque proved too narrow a field.
After a while my blog evolved into a more general format and I started to write about whatever was brewing under my skullcap.
It is my belief that if you keep your mind churning, you are less likely to suffer any form of cognitive impairment.
To become a blogger, you need to have a certain amount of free time, be opinionated, whacky, and above all enjoy writing.
When the first draft is completed, I usually let it marinate overnight. In the morning I sample my concoction again and add some spices it if necessary.
The seeds of the second draft often germinate during my sleep. Ideas sneak into my subconscious while I am catching some Zs and it is up to me to transcribe them to paper.
It is not unusual for a writer to get up during the night to jot down the ideas that popped into his mind while he was sleeping.
Many people won’t agree with a blogger’s opinions and say so. It is their prerogative.
But as my friend Bart so ably put it, “Some days you are the dog, some days you are the lamppost.”
Flash: Francois Moser at Los Vaqueros Reservoir