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Mass hysteria

I chose a long time ago to shun large assemblies. I do this because crowds are inherently stupid and prone to mass hysteria.

I refuse to go to any place where thousands of already excited people gather to cheer a single individual, a rock group or a sports team.

I might go to a meeting where I could question the speaker (such people don’t like to be questioned), but I will never go anywhere to solely listen to the impassioned rants of a fanatic.
And fanatics are legions. Like bad weeds, they are impervious to pesticides and grow just about everywhere.

Preachers, prophets, demagogues…
I am of the opinion that any of those people should submit themselves to a brain scan prior being allowed to speak in public. For surely, these individuals have a loose screw somewhere.

Don’t ever believe that any of those lunatics have your best interest at heart.
They are just seeking power, absolute power, and once they get it, watch out.
Nobody is safe from the whims of a “Leader”, a “Führer”, a “Guide” or an “Ayatollah”.

And above all, don’t ever fall for clerics. Since “invested by God”, they cannot be questioned, and people who are immune from questioning are the most dangerous and the most vicious of them all.

Be especially weary of anybody wearing a beard!
It is my personal opinion that beard sprouting sucks up most of the energy that normally feeds the human brain, and therefore stunts intellectual and emotional growth.
The longer the beard the more feebleminded the individual.

And it is beyond me why after hearing or watching such rabble-rousers, supposedly sensible people get whipped into murderous frenzies.
Nazis will murder Jews (or just about anybody), Hindus will slaughter Muslims and Muslims will butcher Hindus (or anybody else), just like Catholics tried to wipe out Protestants not so long ago.

And don’t forget the so-called sports fans who will go on a rampage, regardless if their team wins or loses.
Mass hysteria is highly contagious and can spread like wild fire.

Just like the Australia of yesteryear, Antarctica would be the ideal place to dump and cool off these psychopaths.

My advice to you: stick to mildly hysterical events like pétanque tournaments and avoid patronizing mass gatherings.

And last, if you ever see me growing a beard and using the word “holy”, I beg you, give me a good whack on the head and a solid kick in the ass.
These quick, life-saving actions have been known to save many lives.


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