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The (sticky) business of love

People hold dear the idea of love, but they often confuse love with “being loved”.
They like to be loved, without giving much thought to responding in kind.
For love is a two-way street and reciprocity is one of its key elements.

Somebody remarked, “En amour il y a toujours quelqu’un qui embrasse et quelqu’un qui tend la joue”.
“In love, there is always someone who kisses and someone who offers the cheek.”
Unfortunately, it is often true.

In love, deeds speak louder than words.

-I love you my darling… For you I will cross oceans, I will fight dragons, I will…
-Come quickly my love, I cannot wait to hold you in my arms.
-Well… you live across town and it is a little foggy tonight… maybe tomorrow…

There is obviously a credibility gap between words and deeds, and some disparity between what people say and what people do.

Affirmations of love are nice to hear but they don’t carry much weight. They are like oral contracts, not really enforceable in a court of law.

In this day and age, before embarking on the love boat, lovers should consider a “cohabitation-prenup”, checked and approved by legal advisers from both parties.
If my memory serves me right, Jackie Kennedy and Ari Onassis went that way.

All the clauses of the merger, shopping, cooking, sex (three times a week), etc. were spelled out in details and in plain English. In case of conflict, this Magna Carta could be pulled out to refresh memories.

In the tennis game of love, you need equally talented partners for a good match.
Special attentions should be acknowledged, and like tennis balls, promptly returned.
A caring person always expresses appreciation for what is being done for him, or for her.
Thank you for that picture. Thank you for responding to my e-mail. Thank you for taking the garbage out.

Deeds reinforce feelings of love or friendship; empty phrases don’t.

Love is not a game, it is serious business, and partners (if they expect the commerce to flourish) should pay attention to details, and reciprocity is one.


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